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Different names for Federal Grid Company and its branches

Federal Grid Company, FGC, the Company Open Joint Stock Company “Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (JSC FGC UES)
Branches The branches of Federal Grid Company – Backbone Electric Grid (MES), Backbone Electric Power Grid Company (PMES)
Head Office (EO) The head office of Federal Grid Company


Abbreviation Full name
ADECS Automated Dispatch and Engineering Control System
APCS Automated Process Control System
AT Automatic Transformer
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
CRS Corporate Social Responsibility
EBIT Earnings Before Interest and Tax
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization
ESPO Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline
ESUPCN Energy System’s Unified Process Communications Network
FFMS Federal Financial Markets Service
FOCN Fiber-Optic Communications Network
FTS Federal Tariff Service
GMC Grid Management Center
HPP Hydro-Power Plant
HPF Hazardous Production Facility
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MES Backbone Electric Grid
MGMC Main Grid Management Center
NPP Nuclear Power Plant
NGPP Non-Governmental Pension Program
OAD Organizational and Administrative Documents
OSC Operational and Situational Center
PMES Backbone Electric Grid Transmission Line Company
PGC Power Grid Complex
PTC Personnel Training Center
RAB Regulatory Asset Base
R&D Research and Development
SAC Situational and Analytical Center
SDC Subsidiary and Dependent Companies
SDPP State District Power Plant
SS Sub-station
TPP Thermal Power Plant
UES Unified Energy System
UES of Russia Unified Electrical System of Russia
UNEG Unified National (all-Russian) Electric Grid
WECM Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market
Total area spanned – 75 Russian regions
square km
The length of our transmission lines is 131.6 thousand km.
This is equivalent to a spaceship orbiting the Earth four times.
A reliable energy sector
for Russia’s
economic growth
3 643 km
transmission lines
put into operation
in 2012
25 103
Total number
of corporate
employees as of
31 December 2012
of commissioning
plans for