- Federal Grid Company – Ten-year results
- Operations overview
- Social responsibility and sustainable development
- Financial performance overview
- Corporate governance report
- Share capital
- Information on compliance with the FCSM corporate code of conduct
- Implementation of the assignments of the president and the government of the Russian Federation
- Information on transactions performed by JSC Federal Grid Company in 2012, recognized by russian federation laws as interested party transactions, and which are subject to the approval of the company’s authorized management body
- Audit Commission Conclusion on the Audit of Operational and Financial Activities of Federal Grid Company for 2012
- 2013 investor calendar
Financial Performance Overview
Federal Grid Company’s financial and economic management system is based on budgetary management that has been built in accordance with the hierarchical budget system rule.
In 2012, we approved the Budget Code - a fundamental document that regulates the long-term, medium-term and short-term financial and economic planning of the Company. The Budget Code defines fundamental methodological and organizational principles for creating and utilizing the system of financial and economic planning for the Company’s operations. The Company’s other regulatory documents concerning financial and economic planning and budget management are developed and adopted in Budget Code development.

During the reporting year, priority tasks of our financial and economic management system included:
- Maintaining an optimal level of financial discipline;
- Developing the planning system and budget management;
- Developing accounting and tax policies;
- Effectively utilizing borrowed capital to finance the Company's investment program;
- Successfully operating via RAB regulation.