Different names for Federal Grid Company and its branches
Federal Grid Company, FGC, the Company | Open Joint Stock Company “Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (JSC FGC UES) |
Branches | The branches of Federal Grid Company – Backbone Electric Grid (MES), Backbone Electric Power Grid Company (PMES) |
Head Office (EO) | The head office of Federal Grid Company |
Abbreviation | Full name |
ADECS | Automated Dispatch and Engineering Control System |
APCS | Automated Process Control System |
AT | Automatic Transformer |
COSO | Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission |
CRS | Corporate Social Responsibility |
EBIT | Earnings Before Interest and Tax |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization |
ESPO | Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline |
ESUPCN | Energy System’s Unified Process Communications Network |
FFMS | Federal Financial Markets Service |
FOCN | Fiber-Optic Communications Network |
FTS | Federal Tariff Service |
GMC | Grid Management Center |
HPP | Hydro-Power Plant |
HPF | Hazardous Production Facility |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
MES | Backbone Electric Grid |
MGMC | Main Grid Management Center |
NPP | Nuclear Power Plant |
NGPP | Non-Governmental Pension Program |
OAD | Organizational and Administrative Documents |
OSC | Operational and Situational Center |
PMES | Backbone Electric Grid Transmission Line Company |
PGC | Power Grid Complex |
PTC | Personnel Training Center |
RAB | Regulatory Asset Base |
R&D | Research and Development |
SAC | Situational and Analytical Center |
SDC | Subsidiary and Dependent Companies |
SDPP | State District Power Plant |
SS | Sub-station |
TPP | Thermal Power Plant |
UES | Unified Energy System |
UES of Russia | Unified Electrical System of Russia |
UNEG | Unified National (all-Russian) Electric Grid |
WECM | Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market |