- Statement of the Chairman of the Management Board
- Federal Grid Company General Information
- Corporate Governance
- Internal Control System
- The Risk Management System
- Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
- Human Resources Management
- Managing of the Economic Impact
Anti-corruption and Prevention of Conflict of Interests System
- JSC Federal Grid Company`s Anti-Corruption Policy
- Program for Prevention of Corruption and Settlement of Conflict of Interests in Federal Grid Company for 2012-2014
- Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policy and Program for Anti-corruption and Settlement of Conflict of Interests in Federal Grid Company in 2012
- 2013 Plans
- Environmental Impact Management
- Stakeholders Relations
- The UNEG Reliability Provisions
- Innovative Development of the UNEG
- GRI Guidelines Indicators (G 3.1 and the Industry Protocol for Electric Power Industry), Reflected in the Report
- A Report on the Fulfillment of the 2012 CSR Plans and Obligations of JSC FGC UES (Draft)
- A Table of Stakeholders’ Suggestions Pertaining to the Disclosure of Information in the Report, Voiced at the Dialogue on 05.04.2013 and at the Public Hearings on 26.04.2013
- A List of Natural Areas in Preferential Protection (NAPP) Accessible for JSC FGC UES for the Purposes of Operation
- Independent Assurance of Social Reporting
- Glossary and Abbreviations
Tariff Policy
Until 2010 tariffs for services of transmission of electrical energy through the UNEG for the Company were set with the use of the method of economically justified costs (“cost-plus”).
Since 2008 a principally new system of tariff regulation based on RAB methodology (regulatory asset base – return on the invested capital) has been introduced in separate territorial grid organizations of the Russian Federation.
For tariff calculation for each year of the calculation period, the required gross revenue is estimated by summarizing the values of repayment, return on the invested capital and the costs needed for provision of electricity transmission services through the UNEG. To avoid a sharp increase of tariffs the RAB regulation methodology provides for a smoothing mechanism, which consists in reallocation of required gross revenue by years for the whole long term regulation period.
Transition of Federal Grid Company to RAB regulation of tariffs took place on January 1st, 2010. For the first long term regulation 2010-2014 period FTS of Russia set the following key long term parameters of regulation of the Company's tariffs by the method of return on the invested capital:
** Due to adoption of the Regulation of the Government of Russia No. 1178 “On pricing in the field of regulated prices (tariffs) in the power industry” dated 29.12.2011 and transition to accounting of objects in the base of the invested capital upon their actual entry into operation since 2012, for calculation of the required gross proceeds for each year of the long term period of regulation the actual cost of objects put into operation in 2011 and the objects planned for entry in operation in 2012-3013 was decreased by the cost of the construction in progress accounted in the cost of investment capital during transition of Federal Grid Company to regulation of tariffs with the use of methodology of return on the invested capital in the sum of RUR 205.6 billion allocated by 3 years.
In April 2011 due to the necessity of restraining of tariffs on electrical energy was adopted the resolution on smoothing of tariffs of electric grid companies (deferral of part of the required gross revenue to the subsequent years).
By the Order of FTS of Russia No.552-e/2 dated December 29, 2009 (as amended by the Order of FTS of Russia No. 325-e/1 dated December 6, 2011) the tariffs on electricity transmission by the UNEG for the Company since January 1, 2012 till July 1, 2012 are set at the level of 2011 tariffs.
In accordance with Basic principles of pricing, by the order of Federal Tariff Service No.113-e/1 dated May 21, 2012 was adjusted the rate of return on “old” capital set for the 2014: the rate of return on old capital in 2014 is set at the level of rate of return on “new capital”- 10%.
The tariff rates on services of electric energy transmission on maintenance of electric grid facilities, which are part of the UNEG, for republics of the Northern Caucasus and the Stavropol Region:
For 2010 – 37,845.23 RUR/MW*month.
For the period from 01.01.2011 till 31.03.2011 – 46,029.88 RUR/MW*month;
For the period from 01.04.2011 till 30.06.2012 – 43,783.55 RUR/MW*month;
For the period from 01.07.2012 till 30.06.2013 – 48,540.01 RUR/MW*month.