
Addresses, telephone numbers, contact persons, bank details, the Company’s website address, brief information on the auditor, the registrar and the depository responsible for maintaining the Company’s securities:

Federal Grid Company:

Address: 5A Akademika Chelomeya Street, Moscow, Russia, 117630

Telephone of the unified information center: 8 800 200 1881

Fax: +7 495 710 9655



Contact information for institutional investors and analysts:

Investor Relations

Telephone: +7 495 710 9064


According to the terms of the dealer agreement in respect to the bond issue program concluded by JSC Federal Grid Company and Federal Grid Finance Limited, one of the following companies - PriceWaterhouseCooper, Ernst&Young, Deloitte, KPMG - or one of its affiliates shall be appointed as an auditor for Federal Grid Company IFRS consolidated financial statements. According to this requirement, PriceWaterhouseCooper CJSC was appointed as the auditor for Federal Grid Company's consolidated financial statements for 2012, wich were prepared in compliance with IFRS (as adopted in the EU).

Full name of the company: Closed Joint Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit

Abbreviated company name: PwC Audit

Location: 10 Butyrsky Val Street, Moscow, Russia, 125407

INN: 7705051192

OGRN: 1027700148431

Telephone: +7 (495) 967-6000

Fax: +7 (495) 967-6001


Information on the auditor’s membership in self-regulated organizations

Organization’s full name: Not-for-Profit Partnership Audit Chamber of Russia

Location: Building 9, Block 2, 3rd Syromyatnichesky Lane, Moscow, Russia, 105120

Information on Federal Grid Company’s auditor that conducted the 2012 independent audit of the accounting/financing reporting (according to RAS and IFRS):

Full name of the company: RSM Top-Audit Limited Liability Company

Abbreviated company name: RSM Top-Audit LLC

Location: 4 Pudovkin Street, Moscow, Russia, 119285

INN: 7722020834

OGRN: 1027700257540

Telephone: +7 (495) 363-2848

Fax: +7 (495) 981-4121


Information on the auditor’s membership in self-regulated organizations:

Organization’s full name: self-regulated auditors organization, the “Russian Body of Auditors”

Location: 1/3 2nd Goncharny Lane, Moscow, Russia, 115172

Information on the organization(s) registering the rights for the Company’s securities:

The registrar, maintaining the register of the Company’s registered securities

Information on the registrar:

Full company name: STATUS Registrar Company, Closed Joint Stock Company

Abbreviated company name: CJSC STATUS

ÀLocation: 32/1 Novorogozhskaya Street, Moscow, Russia, 109544.

Tel.: +7 (495) 974-8350

Fax: +7 (495) 678-7110


License number: 10-000-1-00304

Issue date: 12 March 2004

License term: indefinite

Issuing authority: Russian’s Federal Financial Markets Service

Information on the depository responsible for the centralized maintenance of corporate bonds:

Full company name: Non-Banking Credit Organization Closed Joint Stock Company National Settlement Depository

Abbreviated company name: NSD

Location: 1/13 Sredny Kislovsky Lane, Building 8, Moscow, Russia

License number: 177-12042-000100

Issue date: 19 February 2009

License term: indefinite

Issuing authority: Russian’s Federal Financial Markets Service